Introduction Post

Hello, welcome to my blog, my name is Emily and I am glad you are here. I am currently attending UAF and pursuing a Bachelor’s in Social Work. When I am not busy with school you can find me running, gardening, and reading. I have lived in Fairbanks, Alaska for almost my entire life. Despite my aversion to cold I really do love it here. In the winter I am able to ski, ice skate, and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate afterwards.  In general my favorite subjects are history and psychology but I am excited to learn more about art because I have always admired it from afar.

My masterpiece

             The purpose of the above photo is to showcase why I have mostly admired it from a distance. My relationship with art is not a hands on one. I took one art class in high school, Ceramics, and the above bowl is one of my better pieces. It is more than a bit lopsided and lumpy. I have never had the patience, nor the talent, to make art. My interactions with art are all as an observer. I love reading and watching plays. Like many, I love music. It would be great to learn piano someday. I traveled to France last summer and saw everything from ancient cave paintings to strange modern conceptual art sculptures. Despite my ineptness at creating it, I love art because it is not only beautiful but can tell us so much about its creator and the society they lived in.

         If you are like me and do not know much about the history of art but would love to know more, The Metropolitan Museum of Art has a nice timeline of art here.

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